Greening the Pipeline: Williams Landing parkland development


Williams Landing

About the project

Williams Landing

Federation Trail, Williams Landing VIC 3027, Australia

Melbourne Water, Wyndham City Council, City West Water and  the Department of Transport have received a grant to create a parkland in Williams Landing along a 100 metre section of the historic Main Outfall Sewer (MOS) reserve, next to the Federation Bicycle Trail.

What’s happening and when

A Concept Design for the Williams Landing parkland was developed following stakeholder and community group consultation in 2013.

The Concept Design also reflects community input into Wyndham City Council’s Wyndham 2040 strategy which outlines the community’s vision for what it wants Wyndham to be in 2040.

You can view the Parkland concept plan and download our Community bulletin.

Why this project is important

The Williams Landing parkland is the pilot site for the Greening the Pipeline project. The project aims to showcase the potential of the Federation Trail and Main Outfall Sewer reserve to serve as a green linear parkland that:

  • Improves local amenity
  • Enhances community connections and sense of place
  • Contributes to urban cooling
  • Enhances active transport opportunities
  • Provides alternative water uses

The project is endorsed by Greening the West and its 23-organisation strong partnership of councils, government agencies, and industry and community groups committed to greening Melbourne’s west.

Greening the Pipeline project

The Greening the Pipeline project aims to revitalise the entire 27 kilometre Main Outfall Sewer reserve, from Millers Road in Brooklyn to the Western Treatment Plant in Werribee, into a natural and vibrant space that will connect communities and provide a unique place for neighbours to meet, play and relax.

The Williams Landing site was selected as the pilot site due to the close proximity of housing in the area and the need for additional parklands to support the new communities. The additional greening of the reserve will also contribute to urban cooling in the local area.

Once the Williams Landing pilot is completed, project partners will be sourcing funding for the next stage of the project. The next stage will see five kilometres of the pipeline reserve revitalised in Wyndham, between Lawrie Emmins Reserve and Skeleton Creek.

Did you know?

The Main Outfall Sewer was constructed in the 1890s and was the largest civil engineering project ever undertaken in Victoria at the time, providing a vital link in the sewerage system of Melbourne.

Your feedback

You can contact Melbourne Water with any enquiries about this project.

Call: 131 722 or email: and visit: