Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek was formed in 2001 and held its first planting on 3rd June that year with 201 volunteers attending. Over the past 14 years, thousands more volunteers from diverse cultural backgrounds and industrial organisations have joined FOLKC in planting over 50,000 trees, shrubs and under-story plants along the creek within Hobsons Bay.
Kororoit Creek winds its way from its headwaters at Moint Aitken, Deverall Hill and Beattie Hill to enter Port Philip Bay at Altona 81 kilometres downstream. The area has been transformed from an unkempt and hazardous drainage reserve to a remarkable walking track.
Why we support Greening the West
Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek Inc (FOLKC) has been greening the Kororoit Creek corridor for 14 years in partnership with industries, businesses, local government and government agencies and is very pleased to be associated with the Greening the West whose strategic plan aligns with FOLKC Statement of Purpose.